
Table of Contents


Genkey is a powerful tool for analyzing and creating keyboard layouts. It features detailed analysis output, generation, customizable weighting, individual layout improvement, heatmap output, interactive analysis, and much more!

analysis.png interactive.png suggestions.png generate.png


You can get the stable version of genkey through the releases page, or get the latest development versions by building it from source.

Releases - Stable

  1. Head over to the GitHub releases page and download the latest file for your respective operating system.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. You're ready to go!

From Source - Latest

  1. Make sure that you have the Go programming language installed. For Windows or Mac, you can get it at the official downloads page. For Linux, you should get it from your distribution's package manager, as "go" or "golang".
  2. Make sure that you have git installed. Though you can just download a zip file, keeping your layouts and weights through updates is much more convenient through git. If you're using windows, get it from If you're using MacOS, it's already installed. If you're using Linux, you most likely already have it; if not, get it from your distribution's package manager.
  3. Open a terminal. If you're on Windows, you can use the Git BASH program that you may have downloaded in step 2.
  4. Clone the repo with git clone
  5. Enter the directory with cd genkey
  6. Compile the program with go build. This shouldn't take too long.
  7. You're ready to go!


Genkey has documentation available here!

Emacs 29.1 (Org mode 9.6.9)